There are plenty of simpler ways to install/verify Crystal HD on the Apple TV. Below steps should work if you like to get your hands dirty :-
(note – cut/paste blocks of colored text as a whole)
# Step 1: SSH in to the apple tv as the user frontrow using your favourite ssh client
# having successfully logged in, switch to the root user
sudo -s
# Note! - you will need to manually supply the ROOT password for the ABOVE command before proceeding ...
# Step 2: Obtain the crystalhd kext, driver, and firmware and install in to the appropriate location
(Note, see the following post for a replacement ‘Step 2’ if you want to run a newer build based on r156
cd /tmp
rm -rf crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1*
unzip crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1/*
rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext
mv crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext /System/Library/Extensions
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext
rm -rf /usr/lib/libcrystalhd.dylib
mv crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1/libcrystalhd.dylib /usr/lib/
chmod 755 /usr/lib/libcrystalhd.dylib
chown root:wheel /usr/lib/libcrystalhd.dylib
rm -rf /usr/lib/bcm7001*fw.bin
mv crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1/bcm7001*fw.bin /usr/lib/
chmod 644 /usr/lib/bcm7001*fw.bin
chown root:wheel /usr/lib/bcm7001*fw.bin
rm -rf /tmp/crystalhd-for-osx-2.0.1
rm -rf /tmp/
# Step 3: to load kexts, we require Turbo's ATV or Kext enabler ...
# check for presence of /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin or /sbin/turbo_kext_enabler.bin
if [ ! -f /sbin/turbo_kext_enabler.bin ] && [ ! -f /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin ]; then
mv turbo_atv_enabler.bin /sbin
chown root:wheel /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin
chmod 755 /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin
# Notes crystal_atv_enabler.bin is just a copy of turbo_atv_enabler.bin (they are MD5 equivalent 6a8ec66d5174a4cefacbe12be4b1e079 - 17780 bytes)
# Step 4: Ensure that the crystalhd kext is activated at boot time !!EITHER!! by adding a new startup item under /System/Library/StartupItems or adding an entry to /etc/rc.local ; If you have installed the Crystal HD driver in the past, it is worthwhile having a quick look on disk to see which mechanism is currently being used to load the driver and continue leveraging that approach.
# Use either method 1 or method 2 below ...
# Step 4 - Method 1:
# Rather than put the kextload entry in /etc/rc.local (as in method 2) - below we make use of /System/Library/StartupItems
mkdir -p /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD
# create StartupParameters.plist file
cat > /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD/StartupParameters.plist <<EOF
Description = "CrystalHD Driver Loader";
Provides = ("CrystalHD Driver");
Uses = ("Disks");
# create LoadCrystalHD file
cat > /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD/LoadCrystalHD <<EOF
. /etc/rc.common
StartService() {
if [ -f /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin ]; then
/sbin/kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext
StopService() {
return 0
RestartService() {
return 0
RunService "\$1"
# update permissions/ownership
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD/LoadCrystalHD
chmod -R 644 /System/Library/StartupItems/LoadCrystalHD/StartupParameters.plist
# one can attempt to confirm startupitem script works by typing
# SystemStarter start LoadCrystalHD
# Step 4 - Method 2:
# Rather than add a new startup item to /System/Library/StartupItems (as in method 1) - below we ensure that the crystalhd kext is activated at boot time by adding an entry to /etc/rc.local
# begin rc.local changes ...
touch /etc/rc.local
cp /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.original
# check if kext enabler entry missing from rc.local
if [ `grep --count -G '^/sbin/turbo_\(atv\|kext\)_enabler.bin' /etc/rc.local` -eq 0 ]; then
if [ -f /sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin ]; then
echo "/sbin/turbo_atv_enabler.bin" > /tmp/
echo "/sbin/turbo_kext_enabler.bin" > /tmp/
cat /tmp/ /etc/rc.local.original > /etc/rc.local
rm -rf /tmp/
# add kexload entry to end of rc.local file if missing
if [ `grep --count -G '^/sbin/kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext' /etc/rc.local` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "/sbin/kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/BroadcomCrystalHD.kext" >> /etc/rc.local
# ensure rc.local permissions are correct
chown root:wheel /etc/rc.local
chmod 644 /etc/rc.local
# Step 5: Next, we want to add support from laucher for downloading XBMC nightly builds
# exit as user root, and return as user frontrow ...
exit # Note! You should now be the user frontrow.
# add xbmc nightly download location entry for launcher if not present ...
defaults read com.teamxbmc.xbmclauncher XBMCAdditionalDownloadPlistURLs 2>/dev/null | grep --silent
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
defaults write com.teamxbmc.xbmclauncher XBMCAdditionalDownloadPlistURLs -array
# Step 6: From the Apple TV User Interface, Go to the launcher menu, then choose "Settings", then choose "Downloads"
# - Obtain the latest xbmc download build available
# Step 7: Reboot the Apple TV ...
sudo -s
# Step 8: After the Apple TV has rebooted, fire up XBMC from the launcher
# check that XBMC has detected the Crystal HD ...
# Check under "System -> Video -> Playback -> there is an option selected "Allow hardware acceleration (CrystalHD)"
# If no /usr/lib/libcrystalhd.dylib or no BroadcomCrystalHD.kext loaded, then CrystalHD will NOT show up above..
# Optional - Basic debugging can be done in the event the Cyrstal HD was not detected:
# switch to root
sudo -s
# check that crystal hd hardware was detected
Output :-
crystalhd_hw_open: setting up functions, device = Link
Starting Crystal HD Device
Opening HW. hw:0x1f28e04, hw->adp:0x200e300
Stopping Crystal HD Device
BroadcomCrystalHD: Found HW and started driver SW.
# check that crystalhd driver is loaded :-
kextstat | grep crystalhd
Output :-
74 0 0x30157000 0x18000 0x17000 com.broadcom.crystalhd.driver (3.5.0) <5 4 3 2>
# Check the xbmc.log when playing an appropriate movie ..
grep -i crystal /Users/frontrow/Library/Logs/xbmc.log
10:52:16 T:2684407808 M: 18456576 INFO: CrystalHD(new API): device opened