Merge all JPG image files in the source directory to a single PDF file in the output directory:
; Script by Matt Shannon - Dec 2010
$srcDirectory = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\source'
$destDirectory = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\output'
; change current directory to src directory
$search = FileFindFirstFile("*.jpg")
If $search = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern")
$dest = ''
While 1
$file = FileFindNextFile($search)
If @error Then ExitLoop
; MsgBox(4096, "File:", $file)
$dest = StringReplace($file, ".jpg", -1, 0) & ".pdf"
AddImg($srcDirectory, $file)
; Close the search handle
SaveToPDF($destDirectory, $dest)
Func RunPDFill()
Run('C:\Program Files\PlotSoft\PDFill\PDFill_PDF_Tools.exe', "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinWaitActive("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")
ControlClick("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT: 9. Convert Images to PDF]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]")
; set paper size output to A4
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]")
; set margins to 0
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:3]")
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]")
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:5]")
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:6]")
Func AddImg($srcdir, $srcfile)
; add an image
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Add an Image]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Select Image files to add into PDF]")
; send image location followed by enter
ControlClick("[TITLE:Select Image files to add into PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")
Send($srcdir & "\" & $srcfile & "{ENTER}")
; wait for window to return
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]")
Func SaveToPDF($destdir, $destfile)
; click save-as
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Save As ...]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Save all the images as ... ]")
; send pdf output location followed by enter
ControlClick("[TITLE:Save all the images as ... ]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")
Send($destdir & "\" & $destfile & "{ENTER}")
; wait for adobe to open - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:" & $destfile & " - Adobe Reader]")
WinClose("[TITLE:" & $destfile & " - Adobe Reader]")
; wait for pdf image tools to return - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]")
WinClose("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Convert images to PDF]")
; wait for main pdf tools to return - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")
WinClose("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")
Merge all PDF files in the source directory to a single PDF file in the output directory:
; Script by Matt Shannon - Dec 2010
$srcDirectory = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\source'
$destDirectory = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\output'
; change current directory to src directory
$search = FileFindFirstFile("*.pdf")
If $search = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern")
$dest = ''
While 1
$file = FileFindNextFile($search)
If @error Then ExitLoop
; MsgBox(4096, "File:", $file)
$dest = StringReplace($file, ".pdf", -1, 0) & "_merged.pdf"
AddPdf($srcDirectory, $file)
; Close the search handle
SaveToPDF($destDirectory, $dest)
Func RunPDFill()
Run('C:\Program Files\PlotSoft\PDFill\PDFill_PDF_Tools.exe', "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinWaitActive("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")
ControlClick("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT: 1. Merge PDF Files]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]")
Func AddPdf($srcdir, $srcfile)
; Add a PDF File
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Add a PDF File]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Add PDF files to be Concated]")
; send image location followed by enter
ControlClick("[TITLE:Add PDF files to be Concated]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")
Send($srcdir & "\" & $srcfile & "{ENTER}")
; wait for window to return
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]")
Func SaveToPDF($destdir, $destfile)
; click save-as
ControlClick("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Save As ...]")
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Save the concated file as ... ]")
; send pdf output location followed by enter
ControlClick("[TITLE:Save the concated file as ... ]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")
Send($destdir & "\" & $destfile & "{ENTER}")
; wait for adobe to open - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:" & $destfile & " - Adobe Reader]")
WinClose("[TITLE:" & $destfile & " - Adobe Reader]")
; wait for pdf image tools to return - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]")
WinClose("[TITLE:Free PDF Tools: Merge PDF Files]")
; wait for main pdf tools to return - and then close it down
WinWaitActive("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")
WinClose("[REGEXPTITLE:PDFill PDF Tools 7.0.*]")